Amanda Wilson

Kia ora! My name is Amanda Wilson and I have been working for for a few years now. I was born in 1990 in Auckland, New Zealand and today, I am casino expert and also the chief editor here. I completed Cornwall Park District School and also Auckland University of Technology. The latter is one of many reasons that helped me become successful in what I do today.

An important hobby I still have is pokies. I play this game on a daily basis. Sometimes for free and sometimes for real money. The main reasons why is the fact there are countless variations, themes, and possibilities. I started playing this game at age 19 and still like it.

During my life, I had a lot of hobbies. Some of them include riding horses and gaming. Of course, of them, all gaming was the main hobby for me. After college, I started visiting online casinos and also brick and mortar establishments in NZ and wider. I was lucky enough to visit casinos in Las Vegas and Macau. However, I had a much bigger passion for casinos on the web. They are easy to visit and use by all people, something I prefer.

Amanda Wilson



Cornwall Park District School, Auckland University of Technology


Editor, Casino Review Expert

Favourite Thought:

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Seneca